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We offer classes for all ages and levels of experience from 

Beginner to Open Championships!


All classes include warm ups, stretches, technique, solo dances, and traditional or contemporary group numbers. 


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This class is for dancers ages 5 & Up. Dancers learn the basic movements of Irish Dance & music and focus on learning the soft shoe dances, but have the opportunity to advance to hard shoe.

This class requires no prior experience & includes returning beginner dancers.




Junior dancers are taught both soft and hard shoe dances. Dancers advance to the junior level once they know their basic steps and have mastered the 4 main soft shoe dances and have the basic hard shoe movements. Juniors focus on improving technique & learning advanced steps. Dancers are eligable to compete in regional competitions.




Senior dancers have a thorough understanding of Irish steps & music. These dancers have competed at regional competitions to advance to intermediate levels.

This class includes both hard and soft shoe dances.




Champ dancers compete at the highest levels of competition and have many years of experience. This class includes both hard and soft shoe dances with intricate steps that require a high level of fitness and skill. Steps are personalized for the dancer to highlight their strengths.



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